Smartphone Technology

This site shows and presents the developing world of the small and usefull gadgets, called Smartphones.

Smartphones are becoming more and more important for the daily life in our society. A Smartphone is used for almost everything! Just admit, you can listen to music, have access to the internet in the tram, you can play a various of thousands of games, you can watch movies while your downloading a new one from the internet, and then you book your flight over your iPhone while sitting at the dentist and just before taking off you turn this off, what symbolizes the new, modern world in the best and most presentable way. 
The connection to the Internet is, for sure, the largest and improvement the Smartphone has ever taken. The possibility to access the Internet via EDGE, UMTS and Co. makes it even more attractive and then you start to think about the reason of turning on you computer if you could answer your latest mails over your Smartphone. The development of the computer world in the 90's over laptops into even more mobility in the Smartphone World, lets us wonder and dream about what will be next? What will come after the Smartphones? 
Are they just keep on getting thinner and better or is their some giant change, which is coming in the near future?
The development of the past 20 years, showed, in which speed the humans are able to produce changes and to process them. The technical advantages of the Internet and other things, like the increasing quality and stability of products, did not exist 20 years ago. With this perfect example of enormous change in just such a small amount of time takes us the possibility to predict what is going to change in the far future, but it gives us the chance to say, that the future will wait with major chances about which we can not even think now. 
I hope my future and current posts can, in combination with this little introduction, support your thinking and show you what the current ongoing in the development of new technologies is.

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