iPad News

This side should introduce you to the famous world of Apple and his Tablet Pc iPad.

IPads and the brand Apple itself are often seen as one of the most luxury thinks in daily life. They developed to the things, which express a lot of the personal character and people are nowadays trying to define themselves through these little handsome gadgets from Apple. This process is caused by an excellent marketing of Apple to let people think that they need an iPhone or iPad, and that these are the best they could get.
The actual product characteristics of an iPhone a actually far behind other Smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy II. Same case with the iPad, which is not as fast and by far not as open and independent to the Apple-World as the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The point, of Apple products being in the trend, let the consumer forget about the technical facts and be excited by a product release, which takes Apple a ridiculous amount of 365 per each product chain. These circumstances let Apple the power and possibility to update his gadgets in such a minor way, that now the iPad 3 is released, which is not comparable with the actual technology market nowadays.
. Besides the large improvements in screen quality and in the graphic processor, the iPad does not show any major improvements. The display, which has now a higher resolution than your Full HD TV at home, is one the one hand a big improvement but on the other hand kind of unnecessary, because the display of the iPad 2 was amazing to and did not need such a large improvement.
 In Addition, the graphic processor does not speed up the iPad in normal Usage then it does in graphic based games and Programs. The problem with the new processor and display is that they use a lot more electricity and space. This influence the weight, thickness and battery life on the one side, while the battery life is still 10 hours through the decreasing of the normal processor's power, the new graphic processor thickens the iPad in about 1mm and makes it weight 50 grams more which is quite annoying when you hold it in your hand.

I hope that my point of the marketing strategy of Apple helps you also to include other brands and products in your view, than just to buy the iPad with the reason of fashion and Lifestyle. 

The video at the bottom displays a small video of the new iPad.

Here a video of a review

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